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Heart diseases, stress and lying habits -2
June 12, 2020
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Origin of Science
Temporal Relativity in Vedic Literature: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Time Dilation Narratives
Acharya Kaṇāda: The Ancient Sage Who Discovered the Atom
Evidence of Vedic Sanātana Hinduism as a Global Dharma
Perception of Quantum Gravity and Field Theory in the Vedas
String Theory as Mentioned in Veda
Sanskrit’s Role in Advancing AI: A Comprehensive Study
The Vedic Model of the Mind: A Contemporary Exploration
Vedic Contributions to Geometry: Unveiling the Origins of Mathematics
Matter and Consciousness in Achintya Bhedābheda: Bridging with Quantum Physics
A Comprehensive Study of Aeroplanes and Aviation in Vedic Literature
Hydrology and the Water Cycle in Vedic Scriptures
Vedic Insights on the Speed of Light
Health Science
Pulse of Deceit: Lying’s Toll on the Heart
The reason behind clapping hands during Kirtan: An Interdisciplinary Exploration
Breaking the Silence: Understanding Suicide and Promoting Hope
Rising from the Darkness: Exploring Depression and Remedies
Finding Serenity: Strategies for Managing Stress and Discovering Peace
Reignite Your Inner Fire: Overcoming Demotivation and Finding Inspiration
Clearing the Fog: Understanding Confusion and Finding Clarity
From Molecules to Mind: The Fascinating Chemistry of Behavior and Its Profound Impact on Us
Quiet the Mind: Overcoming Overthinking
Mastering Anger: Effective Strategies for Managing and Healing
Fear Unveiled: Exploring the Psychology, Impact and conquering the Fear in Our Lives
Chemistry of Behavior: Way to 100 years long life
Social Science
Hydrology and the Water Cycle in Vedic Scriptures
Exploring the Intersection of Biology, Consciousness, and Evolution: Insights from Bhagavad Gita
Exploring Vedic Science: Understanding Consciousness through the Bhagavad Gita
The reason behind clapping hands during Kirtan: An Interdisciplinary Exploration
Revealing the Scientific Wonders of Vedic Scriptures: A Comprehensive View of Wisdom
Breaking the Silence: Understanding Suicide and Promoting Hope
Finding Serenity: Strategies for Managing Stress and Discovering Peace
Mastering Anger: Effective Strategies for Managing and Healing
Fear Unveiled: Exploring the Psychology, Impact and conquering the Fear in Our Lives
Chemistry of Behavior: Way to 100 years long life
Herbal medicine and Yoga for Depression
Encountering FEAR
Evidence of Vedic Sanātana Hinduism as a Global Dharma
The Vedic Model of the Mind: A Contemporary Exploration
Matter and Consciousness in Achintya Bhedābheda: Bridging with Quantum Physics
Understanding Matter and Consciousness in Ramanujacharya’s Visistha Advaita Philosophy
Matter and Consciousness: A Shankaracharya Perspective
Vedic Insights on the Speed of Light
Parallel Universes and the Multiverse: Insights from Vedic Philosophy to Modern Science
Exploring the Intersection of Biology, Consciousness, and Evolution: Insights from Bhagavad Gita
Quantum Consciousness: Bridging Science and Spirituality through Vedic Philosophy
Exploring the Cosmic Symphony: Harmonizing Brain Waves and Planetary Frequencies
Exploring Vedic Science: Understanding Consciousness through the Bhagavad Gita
The reason behind clapping hands during Kirtan: An Interdisciplinary Exploration
About Author
Origin of Science
Temporal Relativity in Vedic Literature: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Time Dilation Narratives
Acharya Kaṇāda: The Ancient Sage Who Discovered the Atom
Evidence of Vedic Sanātana Hinduism as a Global Dharma
Perception of Quantum Gravity and Field Theory in the Vedas
String Theory as Mentioned in Veda
Sanskrit’s Role in Advancing AI: A Comprehensive Study
The Vedic Model of the Mind: A Contemporary Exploration
Vedic Contributions to Geometry: Unveiling the Origins of Mathematics
Matter and Consciousness in Achintya Bhedābheda: Bridging with Quantum Physics
A Comprehensive Study of Aeroplanes and Aviation in Vedic Literature
Hydrology and the Water Cycle in Vedic Scriptures
Vedic Insights on the Speed of Light